Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Celine Dion

Well a dream has come true!! I finally made it to a Celine Dion concert!! I can't explain how much I have always wanted to go. When she had her break from touring I thought that's it I'll never see her in concert. But sure enough she shows up in Dallas to perform!! She hadn't been in Dallas for 10 years! Wow. So for my anniversary all I wanted was to see her perform! And I did!! Her tickets were sold out, but the Roberts had some connections and found some tickets for us. And then our friend Mr Onyon works at the AA and he moved us down to the 3rd row!!! It was so unbelievable I can't put it into words. We were so close to her stage and we were on the side where she walks out so the people in front of us were able to shake her hand and hug her!! Soo totally cool (yes I know an 80's term, but I can't put it any other way)!! I just look back to when I was high school and I'd be in my bathroom, hairbrush in hand, and would be singing away to her songs! Mark my words, one day, in heaven I will sing like that:) So here are a few pictures. This is how close we were. 

This is Emmitt Smith walking down in front of us to his seat! 
I know the picture is blurry it's the best I got of her walking in front of us to the stage!


ATH79 said...

I can't believe how close you were. I'm sure it's something you'll never forget. Awesome!

Lisa said...

You were so lucky!! I have always wanted to see her in concert!!

melyndamae said...

Oh mishy... that is so fabulous! Thanks for calling me while you were at the show - now my dream of seeing her in concert is half way come true! :) AMAZING!

Anonymous said...


you called her? how great is that! you freakin made her life with that call

melyndamae said...

She did - she really did! Okay... but now I'm ready for a blog update!

Allen Family Five said...

Did Chris go with you? I love Celine but Sam would kill himself. you lucky woman....I love her!